10 Week Self Mastery Program

With Cherryl Duncan

10 Week Self Mastery Program
10 Weeks
Any Time
Any Day
Week One - An introduction Week Two - Understanding how you are motivated We are all motivated differently, depending on our personality and there is no sense in trying to change habits, or change anything in fact, unless you understand what sets you on fire and how to keep the fire burning. This session is all about finding your specific motivation type. Week Three - Hunting for the limiting belief holding you back Introducing the idea of Sankalpa and intention setting – complete with a realistic, achievable time line. This is where the magic happens! Complete with Yoga Nidra guided Audio to practice with at home Week Four - Hypnotherapy with psychologist and sleep therapist Phillip Cohen Here you’ll be given the tools to train the mind towards a positive state of mind and avoid negative downward spirals. Complete with a Hynotherapy guided audio to use every night Week Five – Yoga The benefits of yoga and developing a sustainable personal practice that fits in with your life. We look at practical ways we can shift your schedule around to incorporate a regular and steady practice. If you already have a regular yoga practice, we look at your personal yoga goals and how to set you on the path to achieving them Week Six – Mindfulness The art and practical use of Mindfulness and why this simply makes our lives happier and more meaningful. Personal practices that suit you, your personality and incorporates what you’re already doing in your everyday life Week Seven - Authenticity Training Understanding underlying feelings, getting crystal clear on any personal, unresolved feelings. Taken from the material in Magnificently Real Week Eight - Practicing Communicating/Expressing your true Authentic Self A continuation from week seven Week Nine – The importance of play and bringing a sense of Joy into your life We’ll look at your play history, how you can incorporate a more joyful, playful, fun way of being into your life, and a close look at how creativity ties in with the ability to play. Week 10 - Tying up loose ends Here you’ll be given your Self Mastery Tool Kit personally designed for you. Essentially, your persoanlised licence to live the life you want.
All Levels
What to Expect
10 Videos that address each Self Mastery Tool We recommend watching one video per week Each video is between 10 and 20 minutes long
Cherryl Duncan
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Week 10: Putting it All Together
2021-08-25 | 11:57
Cherryl Duncan
15 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 9: The Importance of Play
2021-08-18 | 12:19
Cherryl Duncan
15 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 8: Getting Good at Feeling
2021-08-11 | 14:32
Cherryl Duncan
15 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 7: Authenticity and Emotional Competence
2021-08-06 | 14:01
Cherryl Duncan
15 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 6: Yoga as a tool for Self Mastery
2021-07-28 | 10:52
Cherryl Duncan
15 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 5: The Difference between Mindfulness and Meditation
2021-07-21 | 10:28
Cherryl Duncan
15 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 4 (Part 2): The Importance of Sleep
2021-08-10 | 31:21
Cherryl Duncan
30 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 4 (Part 1): The Importance of Sleep
2021-07-14 | 05:58
Cherryl Duncan
5 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 3: Moving through Fear and into Desire
2021-07-07 | 13:49
Cherryl Duncan
20 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program
Week 1: Setting An Intention
2021-06-23 | 17:49
Cherryl Duncan
20 minutes
10 Week Self Mastery Program